How to Get Your First 100,000 Views on Quora

Alykhan Gulamali
2 min readAug 5, 2022
Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

I reached 100,000 views on Quora in less than four months by writing nearly every day.

Do you have to do this to reach 100k?

Not necessarily.

But if you’re looking for a shortcut, then you’ll probably need to get lucky.

It’s possible you write a one-hit wonder answer that goes viral and call it quits, but the top writers on Quora all have hundreds or even thousands of answers under their belt.

Here are a few things I learned on my journey to my first 100k views:

1. Write what you know:

Answer questions on topics you know well.

Then, layer in personal experience and anecdotes.

When you write about topics you know, your expertise comes through.

Sharing your personal stories helps differentiate you even further.

You will be seen as a credible authority on the subject and start to get answer requests, which will give you even more ideas to write about.

2. Download and use the Quora app:

Put the Quora app in prime real estate on your phone and check it frequently.



Alykhan Gulamali

Author of Calorie Counting Made Easy and The Effort Matrix. Over 4M views in health, finance, and productivity. Trying not to suck at life.