This Story Shows Why the Japanese are the Politest People on Earth

Alykhan Gulamali
2 min readJun 16, 2022

Japanese people are so polite “it makes you feel like an uncivilized, hairy savage.”

Tim Ferriss said this during an episode of The Random Show with Kevin Rose they recorded while in Japan for Kevin’s 40th birthday.

Image via Kevin Rose.

A story Kevin told 12 minutes in exemplifies the thoughtfulness and consideration of Japanese people:

This is classic Tokyo for you and this is one of the reasons why I love Japan so much. The people are so friendly and really concerned with your well-being.
One of the members traveling with us dropped his headphones (standard Apple headphones) in one of the busiest streets in a shopping district in Tokyo.

Somebody on the second floor of the building across the street was looking out the window, saw that these small, white headphones fell out of his pocket, ran downstairs, grabbed the headphones, figured out which coffee bar we had gone into, and then proceeded to enter in and hand back the headphones, which was nuts.

And then on top of that, at the exact same coffee bar, I had gotten out of a taxi and left my cell phone in the taxi. So I used the find my phone feature off of my wife’s cell phone



Alykhan Gulamali

Author of Calorie Counting Made Easy and The Effort Matrix. Over 4M views in health, finance, and productivity. Trying not to suck at life.